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Estimate for

Informational Alert

Add more information below to get a more personalized estimate.

We couldn't create an estimate with the information you provided. Please call us at 877-480-8757 for further assistance.

This is an estimate for services at UMHS Service Area. If you would like to schedule an appointment, or request more information, please call our Estimate Team at 877-480-8757.

You Pay



Additional Information

We have the following information on file:

If your insurance information is out of date, please contact us at 877-480-8757 to update it.


Please enter your benefits. These may be found on your member card or other material provided by your insurance provider. If you can't find this information, you can contact your insurance provider or call our Estimates Team at 877-480-8757.

Overall Benefits

If you have benefits that aren't specific to a certain type of service, enter them here. They might be called Health Benefit Plan Coverage in the information provided by your insurance provider.

Specific Benefits

This estimate involves the following service types, which might have different benefits under your insurance coverage. Check to see if you have benefits specific to any of these service types.

Please enter a valid amount for the highlighted benefits.

Please enter at least one benefit to proceed.

This estimate shows what you would pay out-of-pocket without insurance.

Add insurance

Any location

Any location

Average prices across all locations will be used.

Choose this option if you don't know which location you will go to for this service.

Any provider

Average prices across all providers will be used.

Choose this option if you don't know which provider you would like to perform this service.


The information provided through this online tool is a best estimate based on the information we currently have and is not a guarantee of what you will be charged.

The cost estimates provided through this tool are primarily for services delivered at University of Michigan Health, for example lab tests, diagnostic imaging procedures, and surgical procedures.

Please understand that in many cases it is impossible to predict final charges because of variables that affect your sevices such as:

Length of time spent in surgery or recover
Specific equipment, supplies and medications required
Additional tests required by your physician
Any unusual special care or unexpected conditions or complications

If you have insurance, your benefits will ultimately determine the amount you owe, including deductibles, co-pay, co-insurance, and out-of-pocket maximums. If you are uninsured you may be eligible for a discount on your sevices and the rate quoted reflects our current policy.
By using this form and submitting your information, you agree to the terms and conditions above.

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